Fabulous as always. We all know that if you want to sell a property quickly and efficiently you call Alex.
— John Kerrison - Director, Tamewater Developments Ltd
  • With a very good set of professional images, potential purchasers’ friends and family will share your Rightmove link (for example) with the various people in need of a property like yours. This results in more enquiries, more viewings, and your subsequent sale.

    The closest people to the right audience are now your sales team!

  • The meaning and significance that we attach to something is felt in direct proportion to the perceived expense of which is communicated. We remember the value of something and subsequently purchase it because of the clear cost and care used to market that product.

  • Strangely, a home is one of the most expensive purchases you’ll ever make, but is usually the worst photographed product you’ll see. People make purchasing decisions based on emotion, if there is no emotion/care/attention to detail in the marketing then that potential spark doesn’t ignite.

    So, here’s how you earn £10,000 a day or more.

    A beautifully presented home is the cornerstone of a great shoot. If you spend 2 full days prepping and snagging and get an extra £20,000 via my photographs, you’re the best earner I know!

    Don’t worry, it usually only takes less than a day and I’ll guide you through the easy steps.